Did these jewelers SELL THEIR SOUL?

(From an email I sent)

You ever have crazy dream?

Ever since I stopped smoking fat woods before bed...my dreams have been wild. And life like.

And last night I had a nightmare...I was kidnapped by devil worshipping jewelers!

Scary stuff...

I was tied up in a small trunk...scared shitless... When I was thrown into a field and the blind folds were snatched off...

There was a huge bonfire, with a bunch of satanic looking shit burning...

They carried me by each one of my limbs and walked real close to the fire... Then stopped...

I could feel the heat like I was really there...

They sat me down and served me a 5 star steak... Medium rare... (How it's supposed to be)

"THEY" said:

"enjoy sir, this may be your last meal"

And went on to say: "we are the leaders of the diamond beer cartel" "we don't like what you're doing... You can't be exposing us like that...

AND you CANNOT be selling jewelry that shines harder than diamonds, or you burn to death in the fire...


Then their leader gave a life or death choice:

"Either we burn you to death...

Or you join us. Sell the devil your soul...

Work with the diamond beer cartel... And get RICH, selling worthless diamonds...We will give you all the power in the world.

Make you the top celebrity jeweler. You'll be richer than Gates. And you'll leave here alive, with a Rolls Royce and a mansion.



I left that meeting rich with a Rolls Royce. Lmaooo.

That was just a dream...

But now you know, if I ever start pushing diamonds... You know what happened. I sold my soul and joined the diamond cartel!

But for now... I'm still blessing my people with my jewelry... the only jewelry that shines harder than diamonds...

Its at the link below:



-Jollay The Jeweler